joi, 18 iunie 2009

Kit lumina de vanzare - 4 bucati

Am vazut ca se tot pun intrebari ce lumina sa se foloseasca de unde sa o cumpere, ce trebuie si etc... asa ca am conceput un kit de lunina pentru o suprafata de 1,1 - 1,5 mp

El contine:
1. Bec - Sonlight AGRO 400W
foarte bun si pentru crestere si pentru inflorire
* Eficienta mare 400W [>145 lm/w = 58000 lumens]
* Mare emisie de radiatii PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation intre 400 si 700nm).
* Lumina este mult mai plina in nutrienti decat lumina obisnuita HPS .
* Avand in vedere puterea mare de emitere a luminilor albastre si rosii, aceasta planta incurajeaza cresterea in conditii optime a plantei in ambele stadii (crestere si inflorire).
Growing area min. 1,1 mp max 15,5 mp
Lumen 55000
Durata de viata 30000 hours
Distanta minima lampa/planta app 45 cm
Garantie 1 an
2. Ballast Control Gear EASY 400W HPS/MH
3 ani garantie pe componentele de aprindere!

3. Reflector (ptr. focalizarea luminii becului)

4. Temporizator

Pret kit 130 E
livrare in bucuresti gratuita
livrare provincie plata separat

luni, 15 iunie 2009


Saptamana aceasta voi da comnanda de becuri si ingrasaminte.
In caz ca doriti ceva anume va ganditi si imi lasati un comment.

miercuri, 10 iunie 2009

10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make....

Hei, am revenit cu un articol care sunt sigur ca va va ajuta mult pentru depasirea multor din problemele apartute in cresterea canabisului.

1. Don't Over water
Over watering kills cannabis plants. Water once the top few inches of the soil dry out.

Hydroponics is harder to over water because rockwool has such excellent drainage properties. As long as the rockwool cubes are not sitting in liquid it is virtually impossible to over water a hydroponic setup. A hydroponic setup could either be watered constantly as the drip method, or once to three times a day as in the flood and drain method.

2. Don't Tell People

Why? They will only be jealous. People love to feel important and that is why they will tell other people; because others will listen to them.
Keep it to yourself.

3. Touch/kill Germinating Seeds

Please have some patience. It sometimes takes 10 days for a seed to sprout. The paper towel method is not recommended because you must handle the seeds when transferring them from the paper towel to your growing medium.

4. Grow seeds from seeded cannabis

One of the greatest disappointments known to the growing man.
90% of what the final product will be is in the seed's genetics and has little to do with the environment the plant is grown in.
Many get their hands on the seed and think they have a gold mine. They will probably grow something like this: hermaphrodites, tall late flowering females coupled with early flowering males. This is because the only pollen that could have produced the seed was from a hermaphrodite or a very stunted and late flowering male the grower did not notice. Unless you are prepared for possible disappointment don't use "unknown" seeds. This is why people buy seeds from seedbanks.

5. Don't Over fertilize.

Fertilize after first 2 spiked leaves appear follow the label. DON'T FERTILIZE EVERY TIME YOU WATER!!!
Start with 25% and work your way up!
Leach the plants with lots of pure water every 2-4 weeks. Organic growing is recommended. Its tastes better and burns much better.
If the leaves suddenly twist or fold under, Leach and Spray with pure water for several days!

6. Don't Under fertilize

Under fertilizing is less common but it happens. If you are one of those people that likes to give the plant just enough nutrients make sure you use a organic soil mixture with blood meal and bone meal or some slow release fertilizer with micro nutrients.

7. Don't Start with Clones. (I personally don't agree with this, I use clones and cuttings)

Start with seeds. Bugs are a pain, So are plant diseases. Many growers are able to grow indoors without pest problems for years. If they do get pests they are probably not enjoying the change from their usual diet to cannabis resin! But as soon as you come in contact with others grow material (cuttings) it is almost guaranteed that its from a long time grower that has many different pests all eating cannabis and bug spray (and surviving) for hundreds of generations!... Think about it.

8. Don't Start Too Early Inside or Outdoors

For several reasons! If you are starting outdoors June 1 is perfect. But if I start earlier I will get bigger buds right? Probably Wrong!
Its strange but usually true. ill explain. Plants started in early spring will get big but they will take significantly longer to start flowering. This is because at the peak vegetative period they sense the light cycles getting longer and longer, until June 21. But they don't realize that its time to flower yet. Finally in the middle of August the plant says "HEY" "time to flower already" and it produces buds in August and September or later they will be tall as trees but thinner buds due to the fact that the sun is not as strong in September. Now if the ganja plants were put out later, as soon as they get a foot off the ground they say "what's going on" I am just in early veggie and the light hours aren't getting longer in fact SHORTER" Then the plants go crazy and since the sun is so bright in July and August you get amazing 6 foot trees that are heavier than the plants started in April!!! in addition to finishing earlier the late started plants are not nearly as noticeable.

Indoors is the same for different reasons. The light cannot penetrate more than a foot or two. So flower when plants are a foot tall. If you wait longer because you want bigger yields, you will get smaller yields and wait longer for them.

9. Don't Provide A Bad Environment.

Always provide air circulation and fresh air even during the night cycle is fine. All the air indoors should be replaced every 5-10 minutes.
Humidity between 30-70% temp aim for around 75-85' Even seedlings need a gentle fan to strengthen the stems.

10. Don't Harvest Too Early.

I know its hard. You see the buds and resin forming at a rapid rate. The buds are potent and you feel tempted to chop em down! The only problem is that another 25% of the weight will form in 2 more weeks. Wait until the plants have totally stopped growing and the white pistils are at least 50-75% brown.
*NOTE: Outdoors if security is a factor make your own call on when to sacrifice the fields. Also take buds continuously in case of thieves.

vineri, 5 iunie 2009

Un mic top de anul trecut al revistei High Times pentru cele mai bune 10 tipuri de plante... evident de acum aproape 1 an

HIGH TIMES Top 10 Strains of 2008

Each year, we at HIGH TIMES painstakingly scour the entire planet in search of the tastiest and most potent pot to feature in our esteemed rundown of the world’s finest cannabis varieties. It’s a tough decision, yet certain strains always seem to shine through—making themselves known as something special for growers, pot aficionados and cannabis connoisseurs across the universe. Grow some out today!

Delta 9 Labs
Smokers interested in heady, inspirational marijuana always seek out the longer-flowering, Hazy sativas, sometimes referred to colloquially as “ampheta-weed” for their uplifting qualities. Harry and Ed from Delta 9 Labs have engineered an incredible new variety called Brainstorm Haze that will make your visions clearer and let your ideas fly. A pure Thai Haze mother fertilized by their Stargazer (Sensi Star x Warlock x AK-47) produces pot that feels almost electric, with a distinct Hazy flavor and heart-racing power that makes you want to get outside and complete some tasks—a wonderful daytime weed.


DNA Genetics
Having placed or won in every cannabis contest they’ve ever entered, Don and Aaron of DNA Genetics (get it? D ’n’ A Genetics) continue riding high. These Southern Cali transplants to Holland utilized a California Hash Plant female fertilized by a Cannalope Haze male to make the Anunnaki. Tall and lanky, she won’t be a tremendous yielder, but her subtle tastes and racy “up” high are well worth the wait. Indoors, do some severe pruning early on to avoid growing too much lumber (i.e., foot-long distances between the nodes). Let Anunnaki go the full distance and the rewards will make it self-evident that not all sativa
-dominant strains are created equal.

Paradise Seeds
Luc and the Paradise Seeds cannabis crew score pot points time and time again with impeccable and time-tested breeding techniques, resulting in strong crosses that always grow big, chunky buds. Their indica
-heavy White Berry is no exception, growing into huge, frosty nuggets covered in trichomes and bursting with flavors. The high calyx-to-leaf ratio makes White Berry easy to trim and absolutely wonderful for hash-making. It’s also a great nighttime smoke, with soothing qualities that can induce a peaceful, easy feeling perfect for sitting on the couch with a bong and some video games. Medicinal patients also highly recommend White Berry for muscle spasms and restless-leg syndrome.


Spain continues to make its global ganja presence known with incredible genetics geared for growers interested in high yields of the stickiest ganja. On a recent visit to Barcelona for the Spannabis Fair, we were lucky enough to try Destroyer, a powerful strain from Cannabiogen, a company long at the forefront of Spain’s sensi surge. Destroyer is an almost-pure sativa
sporting a combined Thai, Mexican and Colombian heritage, but with all of the exotic flavors and racy highs that are typical of Thai. The longer you let this plant flower, the more psychedelic the experience of smoking her becomes—so be patient. The results are guaranteed to destroy you (in a good way).


Dutch Passion
In an exciting tribute to HIGH TIMES’s own longtime cultivation expert, Jorge Cervantes, the breeding experts at the Dutch Passion Seed Company have created Jorge’s Diamonds #1. Resinous and thought-provoking (much like the man it’s named for), Jorge’s Diamonds #1 will entice you with an incredible taste and aroma. This indica
-dominant strain was selected from the 25-year-old Dutch Passion “Research Gene Pool,” and its sweet, fruity smell and taste come from just the right amount of sativa genetics mixed in. Two legends unite to bring the world an incredible new cannabis variety whose potency is rivaled only by its amazing flavors and complex notes.

Subcool Seeds (TGA)
The Green Avengers, led by the cannabis couple Subcool and MzJill, are dedicated to their quest to provide medicinal-cannabis hybrids for patients in need. Their newest release, The Flav, combines Canada’s legendary Romulan with the original Space Queen (Romulan x Cinderella 99) for a taste sensation that’s hard to beat.

Anyone who’s grown or smoked the Romulan knows its intense flavor and yields, and the Flav brings out the best of both. The phenotypes expressed by these seeds all show significant trichome production, resulting in sticky nuggets with that characteristic “ripe-to-rotting” fruit odor of the real Rom. Haven’t we all been on the lookout for an exceptional indica with superior flavor to boot? Believe the hype.

Flying Dutchmen
Having always loved the incredible and unique Hawaiian cannabis varieties, and having really appreciated Flying Dutchmen’s Real McCoy at Coffeeshop Media in Amsterdam, we were very excited to learn of the Pineapple Punch, a cross of a meticulously selected Real McCoy female with a sturdy Skunk #1 male. The result is a sublime and extremely cerebral taste of the tropics, complete with the unique flavors for which the best sativa
-dominant hybrids are known. Fruity pineapple tastes and scents abound in this flavorful and potent strain, making her a pleasure to grow as well as to smoke. Careful, though—the intense sativa elements of Pineapple Punch can cause heart racing and even paranoia among inexperienced puffers.

BC Bud Depot
Following up their award-winning strain the Purps, the BC Bud Depot crew releases The Black—a potent and tasty indica
variety known for her frosty, tight, dark-colored nuggets. She’s a heavy feeder, with fan leaves that turn dark purple to almost black as harvest time approaches. Ninety percent indica, the Black is definitely a nighttime smoke—truly narcotic, with a stone that hits hard and is especially appreciated by medicinal users. Fast-flowering, and with a great yield of buds heavy on pure bag appeal, it appears that Black is the new Purple for pot connoisseurs.


Reserva Privada
Aaron and Don from DNA Genetics have decided to provide a showcase for some of their favorite medicinal strains from their California home. The idea was to take some of the West Coast’s finest private vintage strains, such as this year’s winner, Cole Train, and release them to the public through a collective they call Reserva Privada. Cole Train originates from the Humboldt County area and is the result of pollinating the female Jasmine (a mid-’90s Silver Haze hybrid) with the Trainwreck (T4) male. This one tastes like the old-school Colombian genetics prized and treasured by seasoned smokers from the days of yore. This mostly indica
variety also resists pests and molds, making Cole Train perfect to grow in harsher climates.


Vancouver Island Seed Company

G and Kat have been growing and breeding cannabis for decades. Their years of experience creating strains for the harsh environment of Vancouver Island has resulted in plants that withstand the most challenging elements, resist molds and diseases, and produce huge colas that dry into the stickiest and stinkiest of buds, The wonderfully (and aptly) named Fucking Incredible – a.k.a. the FI for short – is a tasty, indica-heavy hybrid with lots of vigor that’s easy to grow and fucking incredible to smoke.

Check out the HIGH TIMES Top 10 Strains of 2008 "Potcast"!


joi, 4 iunie 2009

Solutie crestere indoor

In randurile urmatoare va voi propue o solutie de crestere a plantelor indoor testata care va aduce la rezultate sigure. (exemplul de setup este recomandat pentru 3-4 plate)

Pentru a face acest proces va trebuie cateva componente sa le spunem obligatorii care va vor asigura succesul:

1. lumina
2. sistemul de crestere/ ventilatie
3. ingrasaminte
4. monitorizare

1. Lumina

pentru cele trei faze prin care trece planta sunt necesare (sau recomnadate) trei tipuri de lumina
  1. germinatie/clonare - Lumina alba florescenta de neon (se gaseste cam la orice magazin din romania)
  2. crestere - lumina MH(Metal-halide) o putere de 250 W; eu recomand folosirea Sonlight MH-HSX 250W s-au dovedit foarte rezistente si in cursul folosirii nu si-au pierdut luminozitatea

3. inflorire lumina HPS (High Pressure Sodium) cu SLP (Son Light Power) o putere de 250 W; eu recomand folosirea Sonlight
HPS-TS 250W s-au dovedit foarte rezistente si in cursul folosirii nu si-au pierdut luminozitatea

pentru toate tipurile de lumina este preferata pastrarea unei distrante de 25-35 cm intre plante si bec.
de asemenea recomand folosirea unei lampi(focalizeaza mult mai eficient lumina produsa de bec) a unui redresor (este esential pentru a putea folosi cele 2 tipuri de lumina HPS si MH) si a unui temporizator (ptr. a putea automatiza orar
ul de furniazare a luminii catre plante)

Reflector, redresor si temporizator
LONG-GLOSS 50 V Reflector

Redresor: Ballast Control Gear BLACKBOX 250W HPS/MH

Temporizator: Budget Plug in Timer Switch - 24 Hour - Segmented Dial.
(15 minute segments)

De asemenea recomand folosirea unei folii de aluminiu ptr. izolarea incintei de crestere a plantelor pentru ca ea va ajuta mult la reflexia luminii.

2. Sistemul de crestere/ ventilatie

Cum am mentionat anterior planta trece prin 3 stadii de crestere foarte importante pentru ca in functie de ele se schimba mediul de crestere si ingrasamintele folosite.
1. Germinatie
aici am folosit si recomand folosirea Atami Agro Rockwool Cubes - 75mm
semintele se vor introduce la o adancime de 1 cm dupa ce toate cuburile au fost introduse in solutia de crestere, se vor acoperi cu un capac transparent pentru a mentine unmiditatea si se vor pune la lumina de neon pana in momentul in care planta va iesi la suprafata

2. crestere
in momentul in care planta are frunze

deja poate fi mutata cu cot cu cubuletul de Rockwool in ghivece pentr cresterea normala si mutata la lumina de crestere MH
pentru aceasta faza de crestere si urmatoarea de inflorire recomand folosirea unui sistem de crestere tip DWC (deep water culture) un sitem care combina beneficiile unui sitem de picurator Hidro cu unul de Aero (pulverizare ingrasamintelor direct pe radicina) facand ambele lucruri

acest sistem cuprinde 4 picuratoae pentru fiecare ghiveci caracteristice unui sistem de irigare hidro, ele udand direct radacinile din ghiveci. Odata cu cresterea platei radacinile vor iesi din ghiveci si se vor harni la randul lor direct din solutia aflata in cuva de sub ghivece.
tot sistemul este hranit prin 2 pompe una de recilculare a apei care hranespe polata hidro iar alta de are care creeaza in cuva un mediu puternic oxigenat si umidificat din care plantele sa se hraneasca.
De asemenea sistemul are un manual complet de instructiuni despre cum se instaleaza opereaza si se rezolva diferite probleme.
3.Inflorire - se foloseste acelsi sistem doar ca in aceasta parte va aparea si discutia despre ventialatie (in cazul in care se foloseste un spatiu mic este absolut necesar)
ventilatia este de doua feluri extractoare si inductoare.
1. Extractoare - are sarcina de a extrage surplusul de oxigen din incinta. la aceast ventilator recond folosirea unui filtru de carbon pentru a evita raspandirea mirosului puternic in incinta respectiva

2.Pentru introducerea aerului in incinta se poate folosi orice tip de ventilator.
exemplu :

ca substrat pentru cresterea se folosesc pietricele de argila care pot fi refolosite si in urmatoare cicluri de crestere

In toata aceasta perioada de crestere trebuie urmarit cu atentie ca in cuva de sub ghivece sa nu se formeze ciuperci sau alge pentru ca pot dauna plantei sau pot bloca pompele.

3. Ingrasaminte

in aceasta schema este un exemplu de folosire al ingrasamintelor dea lungul vietii plantei
este foare importanta folosirea ingrasaminteor corecte si in cantitati corecte(nu obligatoriu un supradizaj ptr ca efectele unei alstfel de situatii nu sunt vizibile in mod evident ci un subdozaj si o administrare incorecta)
va recomand aceste ingrasaminte deoarece ele au dat cele mai bune rezultate si ca timp de crestere si ca marime a recoltei .

Necesar 4 plante:
- CellMax Rootbooster 0,5L
- CellMax HYDRO Grow 2x1L
- 2 x
CellMax HYDRO Bloom 2x1L poate chiar 3 ptr. siguranta (sau se poate opta ptr. varianta de 5l care poate fi folosita si in culturile ulterioare)
- CellMax Super Enzyme 1L
- CellMax P-K Booster 1L
- CellMax Flower Power 150ml

acestea de mai sus sa spunem ca va vor asigura intr-o masura destul de mare o recolta satisfacatoare dar pentru a mari eficienta mai aveti nevoie de:

CELLMAX Leaf Spray 0,5L pentru stropirea frunzelor plantelor
Atami B'Cuzz AtaClean 250ml cuaratarea cuvei unde este pastrata apa

Cam acestea sunt ingrasamintele ele sunt la fel de importante ca lumina si erul pentru plante si trebuie avuta mare grija in administrarea lor lucru care va devenui day to day task pentru fiecare dintre voi.

4. Monitorizare

Pentru a urmari administrarea ingrasamintelor , conditiile climaterice si ph apei aveti nevoie de mai multe instrumente instrumente care va faciliteaza drumul de la o recolta normala la una de exceptie.

sunt mai multe conditii in care cresc plante toate difera in functie de perioada de crestere deci:

1. Germinatie
Ph apa 6 (7 este cel normal)
temperatura peste 24 C
la care se adauga CellMax Rootbooster in functie de gramajul de mai sus

2. Crestere
Ph apa
intre 5.5 si 6.8
temperatura 23-27 C in mediu (a apei maxim 20C)
uniditate 70-80% in mediu
se adauga ingrasaminte conform tabelului de mai sus cap 3. Ingrsaminte

3. Inflorire
Ph apa intre 5.5 si 6.8
temperatura 23-27 C in mediu (a apei maxim 20C)
uniditate 70-80% in mediu
se adauga ingrasaminte conform tabelului de mai sus cap 3. Ingrsaminte

Mai este un alt factor care trebuie luat in considerare numit EC (electrical conductivity a apei) aceasta va spune cat de mult ingrasamant se afla in apa si daca planta se hraneste bine cu acest ingrasamant sau nu. (voi reveni cu un articol sa explic exact cum se masoara ptr. ca e destul de complicat)

Veti avea nevoie de urmatoarele ustensile:
PH Test Kit Liquid 20ml - PRO
Cellmax pH- Grow 1L
Cellmax pH- Bloom 1L
Cellmax pH+ 1L
un termometru de camera
Humidity Meter Hygrometer - Analogue Dial diam. 8cm

de asemenea mai este discutia despre CO2- dioxidul de carbon eu zic ca este optional el putand lua mai multe forme ... pastile, tub etc... dar daca se doreste o recolta cu adevarat profesionala si cu o rata de cretere foarte mare se va folosi(voi introduce un articol ulterior).

Nu spun ca solutia mea este cea mai buna... necesita la randul ei inbunatatiri ptr a ii creste performantele dar va stau oricand la dispozitie cu sfaturi si ajutor.

miercuri, 3 iunie 2009

ce cum si unde

Doresc sa devin un punct de referinta pentru pasionatii culturilor indoor. Un blog de unde sa va puteti cumpara lucrurile necesare cresterii planteror dar si un loc de unde sa va puteti informa despre ultimele descoperiri si tehnologii.